Privacy policy

At Le Suroît cycle et ski, we take very seriously the confidentiality of all the personal information received from you through our transactional web site or directly in store.  We only ask for infomation that are usefull to us and allow us to better fulfill your needs, improve our product selection an communicate better with you.

Gathering of personnal information


We may ask for the following information :


Personal information

  •  Last name
  •  First name
  •  Address
  •  Postal code
  •  Email
  •  Phone numger 


Usage data

  • IP address
  • Web browser and version
  • Pages seen and request
  • Hour and Day of connection

Tracking and Cookies

We use cookies and other similar tracking technologies to track and retreive certain information. Nous utilisons les cookies et autres technologies de suivi similaires pour avoir le suivi sur nos services et recueillir certaines informations.  These tracking tehnologies use tags, cookies, script to retreive information allowing us to analyse and improve our services

The cookies can be of two types: session or persistant.  The persistant cookies will remain on your personal computer or mobile device even after you close your session while the session cookies will be erased as soon as you clowe your browser.

Personal information usage

We may use your personal data for the following purposes: 

  • To provide or maintain our services
  • To manage your account as user of our services.
  • To contact you.  We could contact you by email, by phone, SMS or any other equivalent electronic type of communication such as notification push-in mobile application that allows us to improve our services or give you further information. 
  • To keep you inform, to send you special offers or any general information regarding our products, services, special events similar to those you recently purchased unless previously specified not to receive those kind of information.
  • To manage any demands from you
  • For any analytic use of data, tendency identification usage and efficiency of our promotional campaign.  

Personal data retention

We will keep your personal data only when necessary according to our privacy policy.

We will also keep you data for analysis purposes.  These data are normally kept for a shorter period of time unless they are used to reinforce or upgrade our services security or if we are obliged to keep them for a longer period of time.

Personal data disclosure

  • Business transaction:  If our business is in a sale or fusion process, the personal data can be transfered.  We will be notified before they are transfered and will therefore be part of a different privacy policy.
  • Law enforcement:  Under certain circumstances, the business might be obliged to reveal certain personal data if required by the law or in response to a public authority request


Personal data security

The security of you personnal data is of outmost importance to us but let's be clear, there are not electronic transmission method or electronic storage that is 100% save.  Even if we take all acceptably commercial methods to protect your personal data, we cannot offer an absolute guarantee.


Detailed information regarding your personal data.

The service providerw that we are using can have access to your personal data.  These third party service providers can collet, stock and use the information about our all activities on our web site according to their privacy policy.


We use Google Analytics to track and analyse our web site traffic.  Google uses those data to monitor the use of our services.

For further information regarding the confidentiality and privacy policy, please visit this link:


Email marketing

We may use your personal data to contat you via our newsletter, promotional material or any other infomation that is likely to interest you.  We can refuse to receive such communication by clicking on the link to unsubscribe or by contacting us.

Our service provider for such marketing is Mailchimp .  For futher informations regarding their privacy, plese visit their page:



We use a third party service provider for all our payment processing.  We do not stock or collect your credit card information.  The information are transferred dierctly to our payment processor which uses your personal data according to their privacy policy.  The payment service providers meet the PCI-DSS standards which meet the PCI Securité standards Council.  

  • Lightspeed payments (
  • Paybright (


Changes to our privacy policy

We may, at any given time, update our privacy policy.  If so, we will inform you by posting our new privacy policy on this web page.  These changes will become effective as soon as they are posted on this page.



If you have any answers regarding our privacy policy, you can contact us at thi email address: [email protected]


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